Friday, May 30, 2008

Love, Relationshits, and All That Jazz!

Here is an entry from my personal journal that I write at home, "...I don't remember...ever feeling loved. I know that people say they love me but I don't feel it. Is there really love, or is it just our body's response to an animalistic attraction. The need to breed so to speak. Love is just the word for our body's Endorphines being released. If that is the cause then that could explain divorce and cheating. Even though we are humans, we are just intelligent mammals. They say that humans don't have instincts like animals...I believe that we have one basic instinct which is the need to mate and breed. Sometimes I wonder if love is just a strong caring for another."

I've been thinking on this subject a lot lately, as I'm dealing with relationshit issues. As I'm going through the feelings of this so called thing, love, I often wonder if we are meant to be with someone for life. Most animals have multiple mates during their life span. Though as I said above humans are nothing but intelligent mammals. The difference between us and a Monkey is a developed cerebral cortex. Now, I wonder why love seems to make people do crazy things, since we do have a developed cerebral cortex (or at least for the majority of us). Because with this so called thing love, comes a billion more feelings. I read a quote from an unknown author which said, "Love is giving someone the ability to completely destroy you, and trusting them not to." I've found that saying to be true for the most part. It's giving someone so much power over you that you can at times almost become a brainless zombie, and yet you trust that person not to make you look like a fool. Love seems to be the drive that keeps us going, the one thing we seem to always be searching for. We want to be loved and to love. Yet I seriously doubt that anyone really has a flipping clue what it really is.... is it an animalistic attraction for our need to mate and breed?

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